A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Notice: A controller is highly recommended for play.

"Now, until the moment you die!"

An endless top-down danmaku / 'character-action'-lite game.

How to play

You have two attacks; a light attack, and a heavy attack.

Lower your enemy's health with your light attack.

Once an enemy's health has been drained, they'll enter a 'stun' state. Finish them off with a heavy attack. If you are too slow to act however, the enemy will recover.

You can reflect on-coming projectiles with a well-timed Light Attack; reflected projectiles can damage enemies.

You can 'lock-on' to nearby enemies using your ghostly-half. You can switch targets on the fly.  


You can rebind controls in the settings menu

ActionGamepad (X-Input layout)
MoveLeft Joystick

Arrow Keys
Light Attack
West Face Button (X)
Heavy Attack
North Face Button (Y)
DashSouth Face Button (A)
Left Shift
Toggle Lock-onLeft Joystick Click
Switch Targets
Left Shoulder Button and Right Shoulder Button
A and S

Known Bugs

- Sometimes the Pause menu doesn't pause gameplay.

- Remapping the 'Move' input map to the Joystick, or resetting the input back to default breaks joystick input. Don't touch this binding if you care about analog controls.


Touhou Project belongs to Team Shanghai Alice. This is a derivative work created for the 15th Touhou Fan Game Jam.

Art, Programming, Music, Game Design - Lyd (ploopjuice)

Sound-effects sourced from Brogrammist's repository here: https://git.touhou.dev/brogrammist/Touhou-SFX

'Typepunk' font obtained from here: https://fontesk.com/typepunk-font/

'Sword Swing' sound effect obtained from here: https://opengameart.org/content/sword-swing

FEEL was used to handle some special effects (https://feel.moremountains.com/)


NOW_0.1.0_windows.zip 40 MB
NOW_0.1.0_linux.zip 40 MB

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