[This game is a Touhou Project derivative]

oh no! you (mokou) and keine were on a date, but then tewi (who is hiding off screen conveniently) stole all of your mochi! 
to make matters worse, tewi also covered the inside of eintei with numerous bamboo spikes. thankfully though, you're immortal and can just damage boost off of them.

are you a bad enough dude to steal back the mochi?

- a whopping 30 seconds (maybe) of gameplay

- 100 mochi to collect. wow. thats a lot of mochi.

- a damage boosting mechanic that ended up being the sole reason i even finished this jam entry (i had no time to do this lol)

- multiple (2) endings; your choices matter (allegedly).

developed for the 11th touhou game jam.


- arrow keys to move

- 'Z' to jump

i added gamepad bindings but idk if godot's html5 supports gamepads. i might make a desktop build later post-jam.


everything (art / sfx  /programming) - lyd (applejuiceenthusiast / ploopjuice)

sfxr https://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html - DrPetter

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